
Cornerstone is a financially independent charity; we receive no financial support from other churches or denominations. In practice this means we’re dependent on the giving of individuals.

If you would like to make a donation to Cornerstone, below are a few ways of doing so:

1. Set up a standing order

Please set up a standing order with your bank using the following details:

Bank: CAF Bank
Payee: Cornerstone Church Portsmouth
Account number: 00032086
Sort code: 40-52-40
Reference: 'surname/monthly' e.g. Smith/monthly

If you are a taxpayer

If you are a tax payer, we'd be grateful if you could fill in this short form to give the church permission to claim Gift Aid and maximise your donation. We are able to reclaim 25p in tax for every £1 you donate through Gift Aid.

If you are able to give with Gift Aid, please would you end your regular giving amount with 17 pence. For instance, £20.17 rather than £20. This helps the Finance Team spot which donations we are able to gift-aid.

Email treasurer

Please contact with details of your regular donation so we can check everything's worked out correctly.

Thank you for all you do for Cornerstone, and don't hesitate to contact the Finance Team if you have any questions.

2. One-off gift (BACS)

A bank transfer using the above details.

N.B. If you are a taxpayer, please also see the information regarding gift-aid and emailing the Treasurer in the section above.

3. Cash/Cheque gift

There will be envelopes available on a Sunday morning, if you prefer to give a cash/cheque donation.

As stated above, we are able to claim gift-aid on donations so these envelopes allow space for you to provide details for us to do this. If you are not a tax payer but would like to give a cash/cheque gift, there will be plain envelopes available.

Please leave all cash/cheque donations in the cash tin on the Bookstall. If you’re unsure of where this is, please speak to one of the Pastors or Finance Team.

With love in Christ,
Finance Team